Thousands of young boys must have sat on the benches in the old
gym changing room and looked at the plaque on the wall:
"I thought it a wonderful thing to have the moulding of a mind, of
a life in my hands - Timothy Curtin"
And many must have wondered at some point who Timothy Curtin was.
Doggy Maher must have told us, of course, but were we listening?
Dimly we may recall he was a teacher at the school and was Jack
Curtin's brother. Also he died in 1918 and the assumption became
that he lost his life in the Great War.
Bill Lomas has done some research - and when Bill gets hold of an
idea he doesn't let go - and latest information is that Timothy
Joseph Curtin, a secondary school teacher did in fact die aged 30
on the last day of the war, November 11th, but not in service, and
at his parents' home in Liverpool with his younger brother Jack at
his bedside. The sentiments expressed in the plaque inspired not
just his brother but so many of the teachers to whom we owe such a
Timothy Curtin is also credited with writing the words of the School
Song. See it by clicking here.