
St Edwards College

On the musical scene who could ever forget "Push" Boraston? The sight of him in his frock coat, rubbing his hands together, on his way to the school organ was a sight for sore eyes - and to inflict the "Dream of Gerontius" on a class of 11 - 12 year olds, in the guise of musical appreciation, was sheer sadism!! Again, remember Eugene Genin ? - a miniature "Pickwick" figure driving a rather handsome and large Armstrong Siddeley*, having to peer over the steering wheel - and a favourable mention must also be made of Miss Hogg (the unlikely sex symbol for a number of pre-pubescent boys!!). What about singing ? The beautiful voice of John Alexander in "Oh, for the wings of a dove", not to mention our massed choir at the Phil singing the Hallelujah Chorus". Music was very much part of our schooling - how about Jack Curtin and Didge Rowe singing the "Bold Gendarmes" at the school concert - and Michael Collins ? (I seem to remember) singing "Never smile at a crocodile" at the same event. Such nostalgia merits a mention and you could include the school song in the category too! - JOHN BROWN March 2008
Frederick "Push" Boraston

better picture wanted
Miss Helen Hogg

Eugene Genin
Mr Eugene Genin
Eugene Genin
Mr Eugene Genin coaching a harpist at National Youth Orchestra in mid 1950s

Mr C Lyons
Orchestra ca 1955
St Teresa's Brass Band
School Song 2004
School Song
Pete Douglas and Peter Hayes
Pete Douglas and Peter Hayes
- folk singers
On YouTube
Wirral folk duo, The Leesiders, version of Fast Freight recorded in the early 60's. This popular group were well known in the North of England and Scotland recording several albums and appearing on many TV and radio shows. They ran one of the first, and most popular, folk clubs on the Wirral. Originally a three piece, when this recording was made Bob Buckle and Pete Douglas were perfoming as a duo.