St Edwards College Liverpool
Staff 1965 -66

This picture has been scanned from a copy of 'The Edwardian' the college magazine.
A bit after our time, though; just look at all those women!
But I can see Johnny Morris on the back row, Con Lyons on the middle row and Brother Coffey up front (as Head).
Thanks to contributions from young Edwardians of the more recent vintage, most have now been identified.

Put your cursor on the faces for some more identifications, mostly provided by Jim Callaghan (63-70) and Norman Layne-Howens (64-69).
Look out for our teaching contemporaries.

On the back row: Johnny Morris and 2 in from right John Loftus then Jim Dillon 4 in from right;

on the middle row: Paddy Ley (clean-shaven)and Con Lyons;

on the front row: Fraz Frazer, Brother Coffey, Johnny Mullen (?), Mr Kelly, Pop Allen and Ray Thomas.