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St Edwards College Liverpool
Class 3 Alpha 1954-5

If you know any names please let me know.

Top Row: Mike Mangan, James Harvey, ? Murphy, Barry Sparks, Peter (Ozzie) Belfield, Dave Taylor, Peter Lewis, Michael Croughan, Brian Cody, Barry Morgan.

2nd Row: Paul Moorhead, Billy Wynn(E), John Cunningham, Brian Dawson?, Mike Seddon, Bernard ( Paddy) Gallagher, Paul Devlin, Peter Lynsky, Gerald Shawcross, James Kelly, Bernard Moorhead.

3rd Row: Jimmy Aldridge, Peter McArdle, John Hale, Goulbourn (?), Sean Morgan, Brother Buttimer, Brendan Morgan, Kevin Cooke, Tommy Lloyd, Brian Mulroy, George Plent.

Thanks to John Cunningham & Phil Traynor, and Peter McArdle for names so far ( couple with ? marks still needed).